Caring for the earth at Noble Road Presbyterian

One congregation in Cleveland Heights has taken on the mission of caring for the earth. The members and friends of Noble Road Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Noble and Kirkwood roads, have studied and implemented small but important steps. The church’s earth care committee meets regularly, and environmental issues are a major topic of discussion among members of the congregation.

One way the church addresses environmental issues is by providing people in the community with nine plots in which to grow vegetables. Each spring, members of the church ready the beds for planting by, among other things, deploying cardboard and wood chips to provide resistance to weeds. One plot is reserved for growing vegetables for the Heights Hunger Center, and another serves as a composting spot. To assist with providing water for the garden plots, rain barrels have been installed, and, in the back of the property, a rain garden has been planted to control runoff and flooding. The water-loving plants in the rain garden absorb more water than most other plants.

When new bushes were needed for the grounds recently, the earth care committee recommended the honeyberry bush. This bush, unfamiliar to many in Ohio, produces a small berry that is higher in antioxidants than the blueberry. It attracts bees and hummingbirds, and its berries are a favorite among local bird populations. The bush is attractive and good for the environment. 

In the fall, the church used grant funds to install energy-efficient LED lighting in all common areas, and it also maintains a robust recycling program. Community partners who make use of the church’s facilities are encouraged to participate.

To learn more about how Noble Road Presbyterian is caring for the earth, stop by or visit Happy Earth Day!

Vicki Kanka

Vicki Kanka is a 30-year member of Noble Road Presbyterian Church.

Volume 12, Issue 4, Posted 12:23 PM, 04.01.2019