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If you haven’t visited lately, here’s what you missed:

On the Observer Forum ( You would have known a month before anyone else that the Oakwood Club was merging with Mayfield Country Club and trying to sell its golf course, clubhouse and other facilities valued by the county at $5.9 million. (Dec. 14)

A meeting was announced for Feb. 3 to talk about the possibility of purchasing Oakwood Golf Course for use as a public green space. (Jan. 25)

The people accused of perpetrating the region’s largest mortgage fraud apparently got help from Cleveland Heights Housing Manager Rick Wagner, who waived escrow requirements on local homes to help the FBI build a case against the alleged conspirators. Now, many of those homes are in foreclosure. (Jan. 13)

Steve Presser, owner of Big Fun, hosted a dance on Jan. 23 at the Beachland Ballroom & Tavern to benefit his best friend, Cleveland Heights resident Jon Lash, who has lost his income, disability coverage and medical insurance due to complications following heart bypass surgery. (Jan. 17)

The CH-UH School Board tabled a proposal to lengthen the elementary school day by 25 minutes. It could have been implemented as early as Jan. 25, but instead will be reconsidered in April for a September rollout. (Jan. 13)

And much more.

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Volume 3, Issue 2, Posted 9:57 PM, 01.25.2010